The M-19 Story
Test Flight of the Mooney M-19
You may recall that the M-19 was a specially modified M-18C-55 which Mooney developed as a counter-liaison aircraft they called the "Cub-Killer." It featured a 90 h.p. engine with a Flottorp constant speed propeller and .30 caliber machine guns in the wings. No one seems to know where the M-19 is now -- even photos of the plane are as rare as hens' teeth. Only stories remain. Here is a good one from long-time Mooney man, Bill Wheat....
"The photo is definitely the M-19. The pilot is
Bill Taylor [Mooney's general manager]. Due to the quality of
the picture I cannot be certain as to whether it is as presented to the Military
or repainted and cleaned up as a company run-about. The original was a dull
olive-drab all over and was as ugly as all-get-out."
"Taylor's first flight lasted about an hour and a half. Normally, the first flight of a proto-type was about 15 minutes. Everyone was in front of the factory and getting worried.
When he finally taxied up and got out, someone asked him what he was going to name it. He stood on the wing for a moment and finally answered, 'Old Puss.'
Al Mooney asked why and Bill replied, 'It's the only thing I can think of that looks so bad and feels so good!'"
27 October, 2000
Development history of the M-19
The following articles are from the files of Tony Terrigno who acquired the material from Glenn Bell. The first is a reprint of an undated document prepared by Mooney Aircraft outlining the rationale for the development of the M-19:
Wichita – Kansas
To develop and evaluate the possibilities of a small, armed, single-place aircraft for use by the Armed Forces in the following specific functions:
A. As direct and close support of ground troops beyond the support now given.
B. To destroy enemy light observation and artillery control aircraft.
As a result of many informal demonstrations of our civil Model M-18 aircraft to Air Force, Army Aviation and other military flying personnel, it was repeatedly suggested that the very superior low-level flight and maneuverability characteristics would have great value in connection with the above functions provided the aircraft could be armed with machine guns and light rockets, while maintaining these characteristics.
A careful and thorough design study by MOONEY AIRCRAFT in late 1950 proved that the desired characteristics could be maintained while providing for a substantial military load of guns, ammunition and light rockets, The resulting aircraft was designated as our Model M-19, and was substantially a completely new design.
On January 2, 1951, at a conference at Army Field Force headquarters, Fort Monroe, Virginia, with Colonel Boyd and Lt. Col. John W. Oswalt, it was determined that if MOONEY AIRCRAFT developed such an aircraft upon its own initiative and at its own expense, Army Aviation in turn would give it an informal but complete evaluation at the Fort Sill Air Training Base. The management of MOONEY AIRCRAFT decided to proceed upon this basis, and the prototype was constructed, flight tested, and presented at Fort Sill on April 5, 1951.
During the year 1951, the following tests and demonstrations were accomplished:
A. Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
By authority of Colonel Hopkins, Commanding the Air Training Department, and under the direct supervision of Lt. Col. D. E. Condon, Engineering Officer, an extensive and satisfactory evaluation of this aircraft was conducted between April 5th and April 24th, 1951. During this evaluation all phases of low-level flight were investigated and it was demonstrated that this aircraft could hit targets with both rocket and machine gun fire very effectively under simulated battle conditions.
We understand that a report on these tests was forwarded to Army Field Force headquarters at Fort Monroe, and we were told that the report was favorable. It was stated that the aircraft had possibilities as a spotting aircraft. It was understood that these officers, while having no procuring authority, were favorable towards recommending a small procurement for further evaluation and service test. Several improvements, non-basic in nature, were also recommended from these tests, in the event of procurement.
Many officers flew the prototype at Fort Sill. The officers actually responsible for the evaluation were: Lt. Col. D. E. Condon. Captain Neely R. Brown. Captain William R. Dodd. We consider all proceedings to be in keeping with the informal understanding at the basic conference.
B. Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
On May 17, 1951, while awaiting some word from Fort Monroe regarding the Fort Sill tests, an informal visit was made to Army Aviation Board No. 1 at Fort Bragg. Colonel Compton, President of Board No. 1 authorized a machine gun firing demonstration under the supervision of Major Thomas E. Haynes. Major Haynes was quite frank in telling us that the pressure from prior projects would prevent setting up much of a demonstration, and while most of the Board pilots were checked-out in the aircraft, little serious low-level flying was done.
On May 24, 1951, several slow passes over the target were made by Captain Thomas E. Hall with a good percentage of hits with machine guns, but without evasive action or tactics being practiced. Numerous officers witnessed this demonstration , among them being Lt. Col. Oswalt from Fort Monroe, but we felt that this demonstration was of negative value because of poor preparation and apparent lack of interest.
C. Fort Meade, Maryland.
An informal demonstration was made at Fort Meade on May 30, 1951. The Air Officer for the 2nd Army, Lt. Col. Harry K. Bayless, and two members of his staff flew the aircraft. Colonel Bayless expressed an informal opinion that the aircraft had a place in Army Aviation.
D. Fort Monroe, Virginia.
Our pilot put on a flight demonstration at Fort Monroe, Virginia on May 31, 1951 before Colonel Boyd and Lt. Col. Bruce B. Caulder, in the absence of Colonel Oswalt. Following this demonstration Colonel Caulder gave us to understand, in an informal manner, that while many officers were favorable towards procurement and development of this type aircraft, there were reasons which he could not disclose preventing procurement or even discussions of such a project.
E. U. S. Marine Corps Air Station, Quantico, Virginia.
After the apparent stone-wall situation reported above, we contacted Colonel Montgomery of the Marine Corps at the Pentagon and he made arrangements for a demonstration of our aircraft at the Air Station at Quantico. This demonstration was under Lt. Col. Mickey, Deputy President of the Equipment Board, with detail arrangements being handled by Captain Victor Armstrong.
In addition to the Navy and Marine officers present, officers from Army Ordnance, Army Aviation, National Guard and other military services witnessed the demonstration on September 4, 1951. Our pilot did the flying, and both still photographs and moving pictures were made of this demonstration by the USMC. Both machine gun and rocket firing was done, and the entire demonstration was conducted at low-level, using evasive tactics and maneuvers to simulate battle conditions and bring out the possibilities of this concept.
As a result of this demonstration, the Commandant, USMC, shortly afterwards authorized a project for the Equipment Board to study this concept and tactics. Until the study is completed, we will not know the results of this effort. We feel that a favorable answer might emerge as a result of the above fine demonstration, unless a stone-wall situation like that of the Army appears.
From the above, it is apparent that it has been impossible to obtain much of an idea as to the real impact of this aircraft upon the procuring authorities. Rather, it appears that perhaps the basic concept is a point of controversy. When the original informal set of requirements were set down, we quickly proved we could produce an aircraft fully meeting those requirements. By the same token, we can also efficiently meet a similar set, if ones were issued.
We strongly feel that the present requirements are sound, as shown by the Fort Sill and Quantico tests. Any requirement for higher speed would quickly nullify the low-level capabilities, due to limitations of the human body, as we have discovered and can easily prove. We strongly feel that further tests of a single aircraft, or paper considerations, cannot prove or disprove the value of an operation of this kind, which primarily depends upon group tactics and team-work for full success. We believe that an evaluation program involving the use of a suitable quantity of these aircraft is the next logical step in the ultimate evaluation. Finally, we earnestly believe that the United States can ill-afford to incompletely evaluate any weapon which might improve our position regarding man-power.
Attachment: Brief Specifications – Model M-19. (See below)
A-1. The following publications of the issue specified are applicable to, and form a part of, this specification.
U.S. Civil Aeronautics Regulation, Part 03, Edition of 15 December 1946 as revised up to the date of this specification.
Mooney Design Study, Informal. Model M-19, dated December 1950.
B-1. This specification covers the following airplane:
Manufacturer's Name and Model No. Mooney M-19 Number of places One Number of engines One B-2. This airplane will be equipped with the following engines:
Name and Type C90-14 Horsepower Rating: Normal 90 Altitude Sea Level R.P.M. 2475 Take-off 95 Altitude Sea Level R.P.M. 2625 Propeller gear ratio Direct drive B-3. This airplane will be equipped with a Flottorp constant-speed propeller as specified in paragraph S-3, page 7.
B-4. The intended prime tactical mission of this airplane is use as a counter-weapon against liaison type aircraft. It is also intended for use as a low-level close support aircraft against small dispersed objectives and enemy personnel.
C-l. Materials and workmanship, processes and finishes shall be equal to or superior to those prevailing in high grade aeronautical practice, in accordance with applicable specifications approved for this airplane by the Civil Aeronautics Administration.
C-2. It is intended that non-critical and non-strategic materials be used in the fabrication of this airplane to the greatest extent possible.
D-l. The Mooney Model M-19 airplane covered by this specification shall be designed and constructed in accordance with publications listed in Section "A" of this specification, and as hereinafter-set-forth.
E-1. Performance, Crew, Equipment and Furnishings: The performance, crew, equipment, and furnishings of this airplane will conform to the following:
E-la. Performance at design gross weight, NACA Standard Air.
(1) High speed at sea-level, m.p.h. 150(2) Operating speed at sea-level, m.p.h. 135(3) Endurance at operating speed, hours, 4.0(4) Range at operating speed, miles, 540(5) Rate of climb, f.p.m., (1st minute), 1000(6) Service ceiling, feet, 17100(7) Absolute ceiling, feet, 19000(8) Landing speed, m.p.h 45(9) Minimum speed, (maintain constant altitude with full control), m.p.h. 50(10) Distance to take-off and climb 50 ft., feet, 750(11) landing over 50 ft. and stop, feet, 700E-1b. Crew. Provision for a pilot only shall be made in this airplane
(See paragraph E-2e (4)(a), page 6.E-1c. Armament. Provision for the following alternate armament shall be made in this airplane:
E-1c (l). One U. S. Army Model M1919 A4 30 caliber light air-cooled machine gun shall be mounted in each wing. Provision for loading a suitable test quantity of ammunition for each gun will be made. Provisions for charging the gun from the cockpit shall be made. Selective switches and a trigger switch on the control stick shall be provided.
E-lc (2). Mark 5 zero-length rocket launchers shall be mounted beneath each wing. Launchers shall be so arranged that SCAR sub-caliber practice rockets may be mounted. Launchers shall be capable of supporting HVAR rockets. Provision for selective switches and separate control switches on the stick shall be made. An arming switch shall be provided.
E-lc (3). A Mark 9 illuminated sight shall be mounted in the cockpit on a gimbal mounting in line with the pilot's left eye. Provision for quick removal and replacement of the sight shall be made.
E-ld. Equipment. The instruments and other required equipment as specified in applicable CAA documents shall be installed. Additional equipment required by the missions to be performed shall be installed or provided for as follows:
E-ld (l). Communications Radio. A Bendix Model PAT-50A VHF transmitter with crystals for CAA range and Tower communication shall be installed. A Bendix Model PAR-70A low-frequency receiver shall be installed.
E-ld (2). Tactical Radio. Provisions shall be made for the quick installation of a BC-1335 FM tactical receiver and transmitter. A switch shall be so arranged that the microphone and headphones may be used with either radio equipment at will.
E-1d (3). Position lights. CAA approved position lights shall be installed on this airplane.
E-1d (4). Shoulder Harness. Shoulder harness of the reel-type shall be installed in this airplane.
E-1c. Furnishings. Furnishings shall be as specified by CAA applicable requirements and as hereinafter specified.
E-2. Airplane.
E-2a. Airplane Weight and Balance.
E-2a. (1). Weights. The following weights are applicable to this airplane.
Weight Empty 800 lbs Useful Load 650 lbs Pilot and parachute 190Oil (4 qts.) 8Fuel (22 gal.) 132Military Load 320Design Gross Weight 1450 lbs E-2a (2). Balance. The following center of gravity limits are applicable to this aircraft. Limits are based on extended landing gear.
Most forward loading, aft L.E. MAC 11.28% MAC Host rearward loading, aft L.E. MAC 20.67% MAC E-2b. Flight Tests. This airplane shall conform to all flight requirements under applicable CAA regulations except in such cases where the following requirements take precedence.
E-2b (1). Control and handling characteristics shall be adequate for normal take-offs and landings on narrow roads, runways, or strips in crosswinds up to 30 m.p.h. at 90 degrees to the path. It shall be possible to operate normally on roads of moderate curvature.
E-2b (2). Minimum lateral control effectiveness shall be acceptable to the procuring agency.
E-2b (3). The airplane shall be controllable at the stall with normal control motions, in cruising, glide, landing, or power approach configurations.
E-2b (4). It shall be possible, without external assistance, to handle and taxi this airplane in a normal manner in winds up to 50 m.p.h. velocity in any direction.
E-2c. Structural Requirements. This airplane shall satisfy all structural requirements of the applicable CAA requirements except in such cases where the following requirements take precedence.
E-2c (l). Load factors.
Positive limit load factor) 4.0 Negative limit load factor -1.6 E-2c (2). Design structural speeds.
Cruising speed, m.p.h. 160 Dive speed, m.p.h. 215 Placard dive, m.p.h. 193 Maneuvering, m.p.h. 127 Flaps extended, m.p.h. 91 E-2d. Arrangement. The size, weight, and arrangement shall be kept as small as possible consistent with the missions to be performed, to permit maximum ease of ground handling by one man, to facilitate operation from roads, and to result in maximum performance for the Type and Class.
E-2e. Detail Design.
E-2e (l). Wing Group.
E-2e (l)(a). Airfoil Section Designation:
Root NACA 0015 Tip NACA 4410
E-2e (1) (b). Dimensions
Wing Area 95 sq. ft. Span 26 ft. 10 in. Root Chord 4 ft. 8½ in. Tip Chord 2 ft. 4 in. Incidence: Root 4.0 deg. Incidence: Tip -1.0 deg. Dihedral 5.5 deg. Sweepback Straight leading edge. E-2e (l) (c). Wing Construction. Wing shall be of the full cantilever type in one piece with a single shear spar monocoque stressed skin construction. Spar shall be spruce or poplar flanges with diagonal mahogany plywood webs. The wing shall be covered with diagonal mahogany or poplar plywood. Suitable spruce or plywood stringers and ribs shall be incorporated for structural integrity. Provision shall be made for retracting the main gear into the wing. The wing shall be fabric covered and fire-resistant finish shall be required.
E-2e (2). Control Surfaces.
E-2e (2) (a). Ailerons:
Area: 6.62 sq. ft. Angular Movements: Up 20 deg. Down 10 deg. Type of balance: Weighted overhung balance outboard of tip Tabs: None E-2e (2) (b). Horizontal Tail Surfaces.
Area 18.09 sq. ft. Span 8 ft. 5 in. Maximum Chord 2 ft. 7 ½ in. Stabilizer. Area 12.15 sq. ft. Normal setting Adjustable Angular movement Up 2 deg. Down 4 deg Elevators. Area 5.94 sq. ft. Angular Movements Up 25 deg. Down 13 deg. Type of balance: Weighted overhung balance at tip Tabs: None E-2e (2)(c). Vertical Tail Surfaces
Area 7.66 sq. ft. Span 3 ft. 3 in. Maximum Chord 3 ft. 2 in Fin. Area 4.87 sq. ft. Normal setting 1 deg. left Angular movement None Rudder. Area 2.79 sq. ft. Angular movement Left 23 deg. Right 25 deg. Type of balance Weighted overhung balance at tip Tab: None E-2e (2)(d) Wing Flaps.
Area 10.54 sq. ft. Type NACA slotted Percent of wing span effected by flaps 70% Maximum deflection 40 deg. E-2e (2)(e). Construction of Control Surfaces. Ailerons shall have steel tube spar with sheet steel rib structure, fabric covered. Fin and Stabilizer shall be of full cantilever stressed skin wood structure, with fabric cover. The elevators and rudder shall have a steel tube spar with sheet steel rib structure, fabric covered. The flaps shall have a steel tube spar with sheet steel ribs, fabric covered. Fire-resistant finish shall be applied to all surfaces.
E-2e (3). Control System. Conventional stick and rudder pedal control shall be provided. Aileron and elevator controls shall be direct push-pull tube linkage. The rudder control shall be aircraft flexible cable.
E-2e (3)(a). Brake and Nose Wheel Control. The brakes shall be hydraulic and operated by separate brake pedals mounted on the rudder pedals. The nose gear shall be steerable, and operated by the rudder pedals through direct push-pull tube linkage.
E-2e (3)(b). Stabilizer and Flap Control. The longitudinal trim on this airplane shall be accomplished by means of an irreversible control at the cockpit actuating the adjustable stabilizer through direct push-pull tube linkage. The wing flap control shall be so linked in with the trim control that the final "Nose-up" trim setting shall coincide to the fully deflected flap position. The trim speed shall remain approximately constant in the flap operating range.
E-2e (3)(c). Landing Gear Retraction Control. The landing gear shall be retracted by means of a lever arm on the right side of the cockpit. Positive locks in both retracted and extended positions shall be provided. The landing gear shall be approximately balanced by steel spring units to result in a minimum effort being required for operation. The lever shall serve as a gear position indicator. Both visual and aural warning devices shall be installed to prevent the possibility of inadvertent gear-up landings.
E-2e (4). Body Group. The body group shall consist of the fuselage with a detachable engine mount and rear section, and shall include accommodations for the crew. The wing, tail surfaces, and nose gear shall attach to the fuselage.
E-2e (5). Engine Cowling. The engine cowling shall completely enclose the engine, and shall be quickly removable to such an extent as will readily allow inspection or servicing of the engine and accessories. The cowl shall be mounted on the engine mount and fuselage with suitable brackets. Cooling baffles of the full pressure type shall be installed.E-2e (4)(a). Fuselage: Maximum cross-section: Height 50 in. Width 30 in. The forward fuselage structure shall comprise the cockpit section and shall be an "island structure" of steel tubing, with aluminum alloy sheet covering. This structure shall have structural strength in excess of the specified air and ground load criteria to result in crash protection for the pilot. The engine mount shall be of welded steel tube construction and shall be detachable at the firewall. The rear fuselage section shall be a stressed skin plywood cone with four longitudinal stringers and stiffened by plywood stiffener rings. The cone shall have fabric covering and a fire-resistant finish. The cockpit shall have a standard military seat and belt for the pilot, and shall have sufficient room for a pilot in heavy winter gear to accomplish the required missions. A removable sliding enclosure will be installed which permits unrestricted vision for the pilot through 360 degrees in a horizontal plane. The pilot's eyes shall not be located aft of the wing leading edge. The windshield shall afford adequate vision for the low-level mission basic to the Type. A flat panel shall be incorporated for forward vision in such a manner that bullet-proof material may be later installed. The hatch shall have a quick release system for emergency egress. The firewall shall be of suitable material and construction. The reel-type shoulder harness shall be suitably anchored to the structure. Provision for all required equipment and controls shall be made.
E-2e (6). Alighting Gear. The alighting gear shall be the tricycle type with a nose wheel ahead of the C.G. and the main wheels aft of the C.G. and shall be fully retractable.
E-2e (6)(a). Main Landing Gear. Type of gear: Retractable with rubber shock units incorporating friction rebound control. No air or oil shall be used in the shock units, for minimum maintenance considerations. 5.00x5 low pressure tires shall be mounted on wheels with hydraulic brakes. Major dimensions: tread, 5 ft. 1 in. Over-center locks in conjunction with the cockpit lever lock shall position the gear in the extended position.
E-2e (6)(b). Nose landing Gear. Type of gear: Retractable with rubber shock units incorporating friction rebound control. No air or oil shall be used in the shock units, for minimum maintenance considerations. 5.00x5 low pressure tire shall be mounted on a wheel without a brake. Major dimensions: Distance ahead of main wheels, 4 ft. 0-3/4 in. An over-center look in conjunction with the cockpit lever lock shall position the gear in the extended position. The gear shall be steerable through the rudder pedals. Provision for centering the gear automatically in the retracted position shall be made. The gear shall attach to the forward fuselage structure at the firewall, and no landing gear loads shall be carried by any engine mount member.
E-2f. Materials - Finishing and Processes.
E-2f(l). The wings, fuselage, and empennage of this aircraft shall be camouflage green. Identification markings shall be in accordance with applicable CAA requirements and shall be black. The finish shall be of the fire-resistant type.
E-3. Propeller Installation. A propeller conforming to the following characteristics shall be installed on this airplane.
Propeller Manufacturer's Name Flottorp Manufacturing Co. Type
Constant-speed Diameter
65 inches. Number of blades
Two Hub Model No.
65F Blade Model No.
R003 23465T Type of Control
Automatic electric Flight Research Eng. Corp.
Minimum clearance: In plane of propeller discs: To ground, static position
14 inches Normal to plane of propeller disc: To engine cowl
4 inches To wing leading edge
47½ inches To nose wheel
18 inches E-4. Power Plant Installation. The engine shall be mounted on the detachable engine mount by means of the rubber vibration dampener units supplied with the engine.
E-4a. Engine. This airplane shall be equipped with one Continental Motors Corporation engine Model C90-14 conforming to Continental Specification No. 1265-W and Civil Aeronautics Administration Type Certificate No. 252.
E-4b. Lubrication System. The lubrication system shall consist of a sump tank of 4 quarts nominal capacity mounted integral with the engine.
E-4c. Cooling System. The engine shall be direct air cooled by the use of full pressure type baffles. An oil cooling radiator shall be mounted directly on the engine.
E-4d. Fuel System. The fuel system shall have one aluminum tank of 22 gallons capacity mounted in the fuselage aft of the cockpit, connected to the carburetor through suitable lines, valve, strainer, the engine fuel pump, and a hand pump.
E-4e. Engine Control System. The throttle control shall be a quadrant type with a flexible control linkage. The carburetor heat control and the manual mixture control shall be flexible control units.
E-4f. Exhaust System. The exhaust system on this airplane shall consist of a corrosion-resistant manifold of the cross-over type, having 360 degree exhaust spacing in each leg. Exhaust outlets shall be at the bottom of the engine cowl near the right side. A carburetor air heater shall be included.
E-4g. Engine Air Intake System. The cold air intake and the hot air duct from the manifold heater shall be connected to a suitable valve assembly so that the temperature of the intake air can be controlled. An air filter shall be incorporated at the cold air inlet. The hot air inlet shall be located in a sheltered position.
E-5. Armament installation. The following provisions shall be made for installation of armament in this airplane:
E-5a. Machine Guns. In each wing provisions for mounting a U.S. Army Model M1919 A4 30 caliber light air-cooled machine gun shall be made. Trays for a test quantity of ammunition shall be provided. Suitable ejection chutes for links and cases shall be installed. Solenoids for operating the gun triggers shall be provided. A flexible control from the cockpit shall be provided for each gun to operate the charging handle. Provision for a cooling blast of air on the gun barrel shall be made. An adequate inspection panel shall be provided for installation, servicing, and removal of each gun. The standard gun shall not require alteration for this installation, except that the front sight may be removed.
E-5b. Rocket Launching Installation. Navy Mark 5 zero-length rocket launching installations shall be installed under each wing Suitable sheet metal panels shall cover the underside of the wing and flaps in the vicinity of this installation.
E-5c. Sighting Installation. The gimbal mount for the Navy Mark 9 illuminated sight shall be mounted from the windshield frame by means of a small tubular tripod. The installation shall be quickly removable.
E-6. Equipment Installation. All equipment and instruments shall comply with CAA requirements and shall be equal or superior to high grade commercial practice.
E-6a. Instruments and Navigation Equipment.
E-6a(l). Instruments. The instrument board shall be constructed of aluminum alloy sheet, and shall be mounted at the base of the windshield.
E-6a(l)(a). Flight Instruments. The following flight Instruments shall be provided: Airspeed Indicator, Sensitive Altimeter, Compass, and Turn and Bank Indicator.
E-6a(l)(b). Engine Instruments. The following engine instruments shall be provided: Tachometer, Oil thermometer, Oil Pressure Gauge, Fuel Pressure Gauge.
E-6a(l)(c). Miscellaneous Instruments. The following miscellaneous instruments shall be provided: Ammeter, Fuel-level Gauge, and Suction Gauge.
E-6b. Electrical Installation.
E-6b(l). Generator. An engine driven generator having a 15 ampere charging rate shall be installed. A voltage control unit shall be included with the generator installation.
E-6b(2). Battery. One 12 volt aircraft storage battery, located aft in the fuselage shall be provided.
E-6b(3). Starter. An electric started of the direct cranking type shall be installed and shall be operated by a manual control at the instrument panel.
E-6b(4). Lighting. CAA approved position lights shall be installed.
E-6b(5). Switches. A battery disconnect switch shall be provided as close to the battery as practical. A selective type magneto switch shall be provided. Selective switches shall be provided for each gun and rocket launching installation. An arming switch for the rocket launching installation shall be provided. A Navy stick grip shall be installed having a trigger switch for machine gun operation, and a separate button switch for each rocket launching installation. A switch shall be provided for the position lights.
E-6b(6). Circuit Protection. Either appropriate rated fuses or circuit breakers shall be provided in each circuit for protection.
E-6b(7). Shielding and Bonding.
E-6b(7)(a). Shielding. A shielded ignition harness shall be installed on the engine. The magneto switch shall be of a shielded type.
E-6b(7)(b). Bonding. No bonding shall be provided.
E-6c. Miscellaneous Equipment Installation.
E-6c(l). Parachute. The seat shall be suitable for the use of a seat or back type parachute.
E-6c(2). Safety Belt. A safety belt of current military type shall be installed.
E-6c(3). Shoulder Harness. A reel type shoulder harness shall be provided. The reel control shall be accessible to the pilot.
E-6c(4). Aircraft Cushions. No cushions shall be provided.
E-6c(5). Map Case. Suitable space in the cockpit for maps shall be provided. A separate case is not required.
E-6c(6). Fire Extinguisher. No extinguisher shall be provided.
E-6c(7). Lavatory Facilities. None shall be provided.
E-6c(8). Heating and Ventilating System. No heating system shall be provided. Ventilation shall be provided by adjustable snap type ventilators located at each side of the windshield.
E-7. Radio Installation. The Bendix VHF Transmitter and IF Receiver shall be located on the instrument panel. A mounting for the BC 1335 FM Tactical radio shall be located aft of the cockpit, and within reach of the pilot for purposes of adjustment. A selective switch shall allow the use of the microphone and headphones with either radio installation, and shall be accessible to the pilot.
F-l. The method of Inspection and test shall be acceptable to the procuring or evaluation agency.
This is a photo of the M-19. Our apologies for the quality -- it is a copy of a copy of a copy.
According to our files, the one and only M-19 was designated X499M - Al's personal airplane. It was seriously damaged when Hal Rochel, who bought the Mooney factory in 1955, tried - for some unexplained reason - to take off with a stone tied to the tail. Subsequently, it was purchased by Bob Purcell of Fort Worth, TX. Beyond that, its fate is unknown.
See also The Mooney M-19, a First-hand Look by Elroy "Buck" Hilbert