Mooney M-18 Drawings available from the NASM

The National Air and Space Museum Archives holds a full set (over 600) of Mooney's M-18 drawings donated by Fred Quarles. To assist you in ordering copies, we provide a simplified version of the Index. If you wish to see what is available from the NASM, download our simplified index (PDF - 20 pages). On it, you will be able to find the number and description of each drawing, as well as a price which MAY NOT be current. The fee charged by the Archives for each drawing is based on the dimensions of the document.

To place an order, you have deal directly with NASM, of course. As part of your order, you will need to include the appropriate page(s) from the "Customs Search List". which is available only from the NASM.

We regret that the NASM in a letter dated November 9, 2007 declined an offer from the Mite Site to provide up-to-date forms online, thus streamlining the ordering procedure.

For your information, here is an outline of NASM's procedure for ordering drawings:

1. Obtain a listing of Mooney M-18 drawing numbers - a 22 page parts listing is available from NASM for $$ plus shipping.

2. Review the list carefully. You may request a maximum of 25 drawings per order.

3. Complete the price quote request form and send it in. Make your request by drawing number and title, in order of lowest to highest, maximum of 25 drawings.

4. NASM will then send you a customized price quote ("Custom Search Printout") which will enable you to order copies on your list.

5. Based on the price quote, decide which Mooney drawings you would finally like to order, add shipping costs ($12 for continental US, $17.50 for Alaska and Canada, $25 for foreign and overseas, and send the NASM a check for the correct amount.

[Note that a Document Use and Indemnification Agreement must be submitted before any drawings will be released.]

6. Your duplicate drawings will be sent via UPS or US Mail.
