Aerial Photos of Mt. St. Helens

by Garry Gramman

This series of photos was taken by Garry from the cockpit of his M-18L, N119C, while on a sight-seeing trip he made during the August 2001 WAMM Fly-in at Prosser, Washington. Click to enlarge photos.

Westbound towards Mt. St. Helens, through the windshield. I think I was flying at 10,500 ft.

Westbound, abeam Mt. St. Helens. I passed the Mt. St. Helens on the north side and you can clearly see where the whole side of the mountain has been blown away.

I have a little bonus picture -- Crater Lake, in Oregon. I deviated a little from my route on the way to Prosser so I could fly over the lake. I took my family on a trip by car to Seattle and Vancouver, BC and returned via Crater Lake in the early 1970s, and I wanted to see it again by air.

Westbound. That's the windshield frame in the picture. I slid  the canopy back so I wouldn't get any reflections. It was a little cold and windy up there, but I did get clear pictures.

Eastbound, I did a 180° to the left, which put me much closer. The smoke coming from the crater smelled like burned rubber -- like the smell I got from my left main tire when I hit the brakes during my landing run on Thursday night!


21 September, 2001