Frank Odgen's Canadian Altitude Record

We contacted Frank Ogden to ask him about the Canadian Light Plane Altitude Record that he set in 1953 in CF-HFN, serial number 289. Here is his email reply:

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"Dave, you hit the right button. This is the guy. This is the plane. A Mooney M18 "Scotsman". I was the Canadian distributor for years.... It took place out of the Toronto Island Airport on the 12th of October 1953. The record has never been broken. Mainly, I suspect because most pilots are sensible enough to want 20 - 30 gallons of gas ogdenWEBTVimage.jpg (28896
bytes) left in the tanks to get back. I flew up until I ran out of gas and glided back to the same airport. With that plane that was not a problem....  Frank."

Frank Ogden, elected Fellow of the Explorer's Club and also known as "Dr. Tomorrow", has done many interesting things in his life. Have a look at his website.

June 6, 2001

The world-renowned Vancouverite with an eclectic resume, including pilot, corporate consultant, broadcaster, LSD therapist, teacher and author of 22 books, died on Dec. 29, 2012. He was 92. [see obituary]