FAA Sport Pilot/Light-Sport Aircraft Proposal

06 January 2002

The NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rule Making) could be issued as soon at this coming week, and would provide a 90 day period for public comment.

Probably the most important part of this proposal is that pilots flying aircraft that meet this new Light-Sport aircraft category would no longer be required to have a 3rd class medical certificate. A valid drivers license would be all that was required!

For a detailed description of the proposed rules defining these categories, see the July 2001 newsletter on the EAA's sport pilot website.

The Mooney Mite community would greatly benefit if the M-18 met the definition of the Light-Sport aircraft. Put in simplest terms, it would make it easier to own and fly our favorite aircraft.

Unfortunately, the Mite does not fit within the proposed rules as they now stand, primarily because the proposed Light-Sport aircraft category would not include aircraft with retractable landing gear.

The Mooney Mite Site is therefore embarking upon a campaign to have the Mites included. We are presently gathering our resources within the Mite community and awaiting advice on how to proceed.

In the meantime, we would appreciate it if you emailed the Mite Site to let us know if you are a member of the EAA or other aviation association, and also register your support. Your response will place you on our campaign email list.

Further information will be forthcoming.