Mooney Mite Souvenir Clothing

The Mooney Mite Site is now offering clothing with a Mooney Mite logo.

Buy direct from the Mite Site - high quality, all-cotton shirts in three styles:

MMshirtsforsale.jpg (66659 bytes)
[click to enlarge]
  • Sweat shirts (long sleeve) with logo - $25 US plus shipping
  • Polo (golf) shirts with logo - $25 US plus shipping
  • T-shirts with logo - $12 US plus shipping
The clothing is available in most colors. The stitched logo can be applied in any two-colour choice of thread.  Send us your choice of style, size, color, quantity and pre-payment.Upon receipt of payment, we will confirm your order by email (if possible) and send it to you.Shipping Charge
Surface parcel rates start at $6 US (e.g. 1 or 2 shirts). Air parcel rates start at $9 US. If you have a better way, let us know.
If you attend the WAMM Porterville Fly-ins, there will be no shipping charge. Items will be delivered at the next Fly-in.
To place and order, please email the Mite Site. Be prepared to forward pre-payment in cash, check or money order.

Would you like a Mooney Mite Hat or Coffee Mug?We are also accepting orders for baseball hats and coffee mugs displaying the Mooney Mite logo. We will be able to fill your order if and when we reach the minimum-size lot of 24 hats or 36 mugs. Estimated cost: Mugs = $5 US ( plus shipping), hats = $10 ( plus shipping). Email us to have your name put on the list and move the Mite racer down the runway.Race for Hats
START (3)         TAKE-OFF (24)
Race for Mugs
START (1)         TAKE-OFF (36)

May 23, 2001