History of CF-LLN, M-18L, Serial Number 142, built June 1953
Lycoming O-145-B2, Serial Number 5123-2

1959.04.08 Allotment of registration to owner Vincent Joseph Clothier, Ottawa.
1959.08.27 Application for registration to Jack Cramer of North Vancouver.
1959.04.09 C. of A.
1960.06.07 C. of A.
1960.04.15 TTSN 429.1 hours
1961.04.14 TTSN 449.1 hours
1962.03.01 C. of R. to Cornelius George Holmes of Richmond, BC.
Probably had a new prop installed at this time. (See 1968.07.10)
1963.04.16 TTSN 466.2 hours
1964.04.03 TTSN 599.35 hours
0964.01.07 Application for C. of R. to Albert Bruce Durfee of Lethbridge, AB
TTSN engine and aircraft 599.35 hours.
1965.03.15 C. of A., TTSN 634.55 hours.
1966.04.01 C. of A. to Durfee, TTSN 640.25 hours.
1966.03.19 C. of A., TTSN 640.25 hours.
1968.12.07 Application for C. of R. to S.R. Broder and D.L. Tait of Southwest Aviation, Ltd. of Lethbridge, AB
1968.07.10 Application for C. of A., Flottorp #220104, Model 63L60, TSN 186.45 hours. Engine TTSN: 645 hours.
1968.11.18 Sold by Durfee to Gordon Taylor of Lethbridge.
1968.11.25 Sold by Gordon Taylor to Southwest Aviation of Lethbridge, AB
1968.12.23 Sold to Carmen Pearson of Camrose, AB by Southwest Aviation.
1969.01.06 C. of A. for Southwest Aviation Ltd.
1969.06.10 Application for C of R. by Carmen Pearson of Camrose, AB
1970.06.01 Inspection report: "This aircraft dismantled for inspection. Purchased from Southwest Aviation. Fabric very poor. Centre wing box lower plywood separation. Undecided as to whether rebuild is economical. Will advise this October."
1971.12.10 Withdrawal from further use. "Carmen Pearson advises his aircraft is beyond economical repair and has been disposed of for salvage."
1974.03.27 Removed from Register.

26 November, 2000