Crosley Aircraft Engine CC46M-2 Specification
This is the second specification for the Crosley engine used in the M-18. It differs from the first specification, dated August 17, 1948, only in that it has a Note 5, which refers specifically to the CC46M-2A engine.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE E-255-1 CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION MOONEY WASHINGTON CC46M-2 CC46M-2A October 7, 1948 AIRCRAFT ENGINE SPECIFICATION Engines of models described herein conforming with this specification and approved data on file with the Civil Aeronautics Administration are rated as airworthy for use in certificated aircraft in accordance with pertinent specifications. Manufacturer Mooney Aircraft, Inc. 6301 E. Harry Airport Post Office Wichita, Kansas Model CC46M-2 CC46M-2A Type 4LW -- Reduction ratio (belt drive) .500:1 -- Ratings Maximum continuous, BHP-RPM-Sea Level 25-3900-S.L. -- Level Take-off, BHP-RPM 25-3900 -- Fuel (minimum octane aviation) 80 -- Bore and stroke, inches 2.5 x 2.25 -- Displacement, cubic inches 44 -- Compression ratio 8.2:1 -- Weight (dry), lbs. (includes generator) 101 -- C.G. location Fwd. of left rear mount, inches 7.7 -- Above left rear mount, inches 3.7 -- Propeller shaft Integral flanged hub -- Six 3/8 bolts, 4 inch circle -- Carburetion Tillotson DY-9B carburetor (Mooney No. E-251) -- Ignition, Dual (battery) Delco-Remy X-20010 distribution (Mooney No. E-273) -- Delco-Remy 1115378 ignition coil ( " " E-388) -- Auto-lite GAS-4190 generator ( " " E-338) -- Ignition timing, °BTC Left 6, Right 8, below 1200 RPM Spark plugs Right, Champion Y4A Left, Champion J10 -- Oil sump capacity, qts. 2-1/4 -- Coolant capacity (engine only), qts. 1.8 -- Coolant 40% min. AN-E-2C, Prestone, or Zerex, remainder water -- NOTES A,1,2,3,4 A,1,2,3,4,5 Certification basis Type Certificate No. 255 -- Production basis None (See NOTE A) --
NOTE A. NOTE 1. NOTE 2. NOTE 3. NOTE 4. Note 5.
The manufacturer does not hold the production certificate for the production of engines under this type cerificate and, therefore, each engine so produced is subject to a detailed inspection for workmanship and conformity with the approved data be a Civil Aeronautics Administration Inspector. In addition, the engine must have a satisfactory run-in including 5 hours at rated power and speed. Upon satisfactory completion of the above, the inspector will tag the engine with Tag Form 186. Maximum permissible temperatures: Cylinder head (at plug) 500°F Coolant outlet 190°F Oil inlet 200°F Pressure limits for normal operation: Min. Max. Oil inlet, psi 40 55 Fuel inlet to carb., psi 2 2.5 Coolant inlet, psi * 7 * Coolant flow 10 gal./min. minimum at 3900 engine RPM The following accessories are eligible at the indicated additional weight: Weight, lbs AC No. 1538923 fuel pump (Mooney part No. E-272) 2 A shield must be provided for the propeller shaft driving belts to prevent their contact with water, other liquids and foreign substances of all kinds. Model CC46M-2A differs from model -2 in that numerous changes in detail design have been incorporated in the cylinder block, and other parts. The external changes include relocation of oil filter, breather, fuel pump and left spark plug boss. (signed by) Charles F. Dycer Director, Aircraft Service