DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE A-803-1 CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION MOONEY WASHINGTON 25, D.C. M-18 August 16, 1948 TENTATIVE AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION An aircraft complying with the terms of this specification and conforming with the approved data on file with the Civil Aeronautics Administration will be issued an airworthiness certificate when, in the opinion of the Administrator, the aircraft is in condition for safe operation. Manufacturer Mooney Aircraft, Inc., 6301 E. Harry, Airport Post Office, Wichita, Kansas I - MODEL M-18 I PCLM (UTILITY CATEGORY Engine Mooney CC46M-2 Fuel 80 min. octane gasoline Engine limits For all operations, 3900 rpm (25hp) Airspeed limits Maneuvering....................89 mph True Ind. Maximum structural cruising....89 mph True Ind. Never exceed..................120 mph True Ind. Flaps extended.................72 mph True Ind. C.G. Range (+31.1) (13.1% MAC) to (+33.8) (18.2% MAC) at 685 lbs. or less, (+32.7) (16.9% MAC) to (33.3) (18.2% MAC) at 700 lbs. with landing gear extended. Straight line variation of forward limits between specified weights. Effect of retracting landing gear +255 in. lbs. Empty weight C.G. Range (+29.7) to (+30.3) (See NOTE 4) Maximum weight 700 lbs. No. seats 1 (+34) Maximum baggage 20 lbs. (+51) Fuel capacity 8 gal. (7-3/4 gal. usable) (One tank in fuselage) (+56) (See NOTE 1) Oil capacity 2-1/4 quarts (-10) Coolant 10 lbs. (1 gal.) (+7) Control surface movements Wing flaps......Up 0°..........Down 16.5° Ailerons........Up 15.5°.......Down 7° Elevators.......Up 25°.........Down 13° (stabilizer neutral at 0°) Rudder..........Right 20°......Left 18° Stabilizer......Up 2°..........Down 4° Serial Nos. eligible 1 and up. Required equipment 1, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 201, 202, 205, 206, 302, 401 SPECIFICATIONS PERTINENT TO ALL MODELS Certificate basis Type Certificate No. 803 (CAR 03 - Utility Category) Production basis None (See NOTE A) Export eligibility Eligible for export as follows, subject to inspection for equipment specified in Chapter XII of Manual of Procedure: (a) Canada - Landplane - eligible Ski plane - not eligible (b) All other countries except Australia and New Zealand MAC 43.9 in. L.E. MAC (+25.3) Leveling means Right engine bearer tube Datum Front face of firewall EQUIPMENT Items included in required list under specifications pertinent to individual models may not be removed unless replaced by approved equivalent items. Values in inches shown in parenthesis after each item represent horizontal arms to the C.G. of the item measured minus (-) ahead and plus (+) to the rear of the datum. A plus (+) or minus (-) sign preceding the weight of an optional item indicates the net weight change between that item and the equivalent required item. PROPELLERS AND PROPELLER ACCESSORIES (EXCEPT DE-ICING EQUIPMENT 1. Propeller - Sensenich 66GF-45 or any fixed pitch wood propeller eligible with the following limits: Static rpm at maximum permissible throttle setting (±50 rpm - see NOTE 3) Not more than 3360; not less than 3360. Diameter limits: Not more than 66 in; not less than 64.5 in..........................................................................7 lbs.(-26) ENGINE AND ENGINE ACCESSORIES - FUEL AND OIL SYSTEMS 101. Carburetor air heater.......................................................1 lb. (-9) 102. Fuel pump (Type AC, Mooney Part No.E-272....................................2 lbs.(-5) 103. Generator (Auto-Lite GAS-4190)....................................... 104. Oil radiator (Harrison 3109629).............................................4 lbs.(-12) 105. Coolant radiator (Mooney 454) (Young 66766).................................9 lbs.(+33) 106. Mooney nose cowl (propeller belt drive shield), Mooney part No, 132 (See NOTE 6) LANDING GEAR 201. Two main wheel-brake assemblies, 5.00-5, Type III (a) Goodyear Model 15HBM Wheel Assembly #9520265 Brake Assembly #9520264 ......11 lbs.(+51) (b) Firestone Model DFA 537-1 Wheel Assembly DFA 533-1 Brake Assembly CFA 535...9 lbs.(+51)(static) 202. (a) Two main wheel 4 ply-rating tires, 5.00-5, Type III with regular tubes.12 lbs.(+51) 205. Nose wheel, 5.00-4, Type III (a) Firestone Model 5C2M-1.....................2 lbs.(0) 206. (a) Nose wheel 4 ply-rating tire 5.00-4, Type III with regular tube........ 5 lbs.(0) ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 302. Battery and box, Willard SYW-7-3 6 volt 10 amp. hr. (5 Hr. rate)........... 9 lbs.(+2) INTERIOR EQUIPMENT 401. (a) CAA Tentatively Approved Airplane Flight Manual date July 14, 1948. (See NOTE 5) NOTE A. - Prior to original certification, each aircraft must satisfactorily pass: (a) An inspection for workmanship, materials, and conformity before any covering, metal priming or final finish is applied. All woodwork may be varnished. (b) A final inspection of the completed aircraft. (c) A check of the flight characteristics. NOTE 1. - Current weight and balance report including list of equipment included in certified weight empty, and loading instructions when necessary, must be in each aircraft at the time of original certification and at all times thereafter (except in the case of air carrier operators having an approved weight control system.) The certificated weight empty and corresponding center of gravity location must include unusable fuel of 1 lb. at (+62) (included in fuel capacity.) NOTE 2. - The following placard must be displayed in front of and in clear view of the pilot: "Utility Category Airplane. Operate in accordance with CAA Approved Flight Manual. Intentional spins prohibited. No Acrobatic Maneuvers approved except those listed in the Airplane Flight Manual." NOTE 3. - No tolerance on propeller rpm limits other than that shown is permissible. NOTE 4. - If the empty weight C.G. of a particular airplane falls within the range given it is not necessary to check the critical forward and aft loading conditions. It the empty weight C.G. does not fall within the empty weight C.G. limits given, those conditions should be checked to determine whether the airplane will remain within the approved C.G. limits. In cases where it is possible to load an airplane in a manner not covered herein (i.e. extra tanks, miscellaneous equipment, etc.) the usual complete calculations should be made. NOTE 5. - For night flying, instrument lights or equivalent to provide illumination of all placards and instruments are required in addition to equipment required by Part 43. NOTE 6. - Mooney nose cowl, Part No. 132, with apertures for propeller shaft and one blast tube only must be installed. No additional openings permitted as they will allow water to come in contact with the drive belts resulting in belt slippage. NOTICE TO ALL CAA INSPECTION PERSONNEL - Owners should be advised that an airworthiness certificate issued under the terms of this proposed specification is subject to cancellation or revision upon final type certification of the model, and that any of the values shown may be changed and/or that additional modification may be required. Proposed specifications are issued to assist the industry in early utilization of models that become available and they are based on a preliminary evaluation of the certification data for the model. The agent will, therefore, include the following statement on the reverse side of page 1 of Form ACA 309 or on the first page of the Airplane Flight Manual: "The airworthiness certificate for this aircraft is based on a tentative approval of the aircraft model and is subject to revision at the time of final approval. In addition, further modification of the aircraft may be required at that time. It will be the owners responsibility to comply with all pertinent provisions of the final AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION AND AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE." (signed by) Charles F. Dycer Director, Aircraft Service