Mooney Mite on the Flight Simulator

We’re pleased to have been able to assist Steve Daly of Ontario, Canada, who is constructing a Mooney Mite for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002.

He’s using a software program called Flight Simulator Design Studio which is specifically used for designing 3D software packages (various aircraft types) to run on MS Flight Simulator programs.

Steve says the Mite prototype has actually already flown. He started the design process using 3-views found on Mite Site, which he then cropped to match the required format. To put the finishing touches on the plane he will be using a newer software package called Gmax which gives him the ability to better animate the finished plane and to add effects such as reflective surfaces.

Steve says the great thing about the simulator is that it does need an airworthiness certificate. The plane should be finished sometime within the next 2 weeks. He’s actually trying to have it done in time to take it to a virtual Oshkosh fly-in that some of his online friends are setting up. They will all join the same online multiplayer Flight Simulator game and fly around the Oshkosh airfield. Steve says, “As long as you have the same plane on your computer as the other guy is flying you can actually see his plane.”

The “virtual” Mite will be a freeware release available at a number of sites, including this one.

18 July, 2002