WAMM Fly-in, May 2000
A collection of photos from the May, 2000 Fly-in at Porterville, CA
Back Row (L. to R.) Ben Favrholdt, Dick Marrott, Tim Lucero, Garry Gramman, Gil Gilbert, David Jappay, Mal Gross, Jerry Johnston, David Favrholdt. Front Row (L. to R.) Dave Rutherford, Ernie Buenting, Glenn Bell. Missing: Bill Shea, Bob Katz, Jerry Jenny, Patrick Moran.
Left to Right: Jerry Johnston's N4124, Bob Katz' N4155, Ben Favrholdt's N66MX, Ernie Buenting's N496M, Tim Lucero's N325M, Dave Jappay's N4152.
Mite flyers in Bill Vandersande's hanger for a little attitude adjustment.
Clockwise from L around circle: Garry Gramman, Jerry Johnston (from MI -- Jerry flew in with Ted Teach from Dayton OH same way same day), Ted Teach, Bill Vandersande, Unkown, Ernie Buenting, Mal Gross. (See next photo for the two guys with backs to the camera).
Clockwise from L. around circle: Unknown, Ernie Buenting, Mal Gross, David Favrholdt, Dave Rutherford (author of the Mite Site), Ben Favrholdt, Garry Gramman, (Jerry Johnston & Ted Teach are cut off), Bill Vandersande.
Photo credits: David Favrholdt, Claude Goldsmith, Dave Rutherford
May 26, 2000