A collection of photos from the October, 2003 Fly-in at Porterville, CA (PTV)
Flawless weather - warm daytime temperatures followed by cool evenings - was the setting for the only WAMM Fly-In of 2003. The event was attended by five Mites based at Porterville plus four out-of-town airplanes and thirteen hard-core owners and enthusiasts.
There are now three local owner/hosts who made us feel welcome: Bill Vandersande, Ben Favrholdt and Don Deaton. On Friday night, Michael Harms arrived in his new Cessna 182 RG from the Bay Area. (He keeps his two Mites hangared at Porterville). Gil Gilbert of the Seattle area flew Alaska Air to Fresno and arrived by rented car. David Favrholdt and Dave Rutherfordflew Alaska Air from Vancouver, Canada to LAX and drove up via Bakersfield. Ernie Buenting of Upland was the only out-of-town Miter to fly in on Friday. Arriving by car on Saturday were owner Garry Gramman from El Cajon, and wanna-be-owner Mike Magnani from Valencia. We learned that fog in the LA area (typical for this time of year) kept one or two more WAMM members from flying in, and the lineup was looking pretty skimpy until Saturday afternoon when three more Mites arrived. Don Henry of La Mesa and Bob Katz of Encino stayed for a couple of hours, while Toni Guttman of Soquel, making his first Fly-In appearance in his Mite, tented over until Sunday.
Photo credits: Michael Harms, Bill Vandersande, Dave Rutherford.
09 October, 2003