Wamm Fly-In,
September 2007
A report and photos from the September, 2007 Fly-in at Porterville, CA (PTV)
Weather conditions for the September 28 - 30 Fly-In were ideal, with mostly clear skies and temperatures in the low to mid-eighties. Unfortunately, the turnout was smaller than usual, with only two visiting Mites. Family matters and work commitments seemed to be the main reasons.
The dedicated members (otherwise known as the "hard core") who attended the early bird Mexican dinner at La Fuente were six in number: Ernie Buenting, N496M+1, Gil Gilbert, N4121+1, Bill Vandersande, N4105, Ben Favrholdt, N66MX, David Favrholdt, and yours truly, Dave Rutherford.
On Friday, local photo-journalist Randy Minnick showed up briefly with news that he will soon be submitting an article about the Fly-In to one of the major aviation magazines. Also on Friday, Dave Mazzola arrived from Watsonville in N380A, while dedicated Mite enthusiast, Doug Triplat, flew in from Rosamond in his beautiful Bonanza, N700T. On Saturday, Norm Douthit, N3162K+2, drove up from Shafter for a brief visit, as did Bill Jennings, N124C, of Rosamond. Bob Katz of Santa Monica spent an hour or so with us, arriving in his Comanche, as his Mite, N4155, was undergoing repairs. As in May, Craig Ortet, N386A, showed up on his Harley Davidson and stayed overnight in Ben's hangar lounge. A total of 14 attendees signed the guest list.
The highlight of the Fly-In was a superb barbecue organized for Saturday evening by Mike Quatacker. It was actually a barbecue skill competition between a dozen or so local teams. It was our good fortune that the "Quatacker Cook-Off" happened to be scheduled at the airport on the same weekend as our Fly-In. Porterville resident and WAMM member Don Deaton, N120C, himself a barbecue expert, was our liaison with the Cook-Off people. Don had the pleasant but difficult task of judging the competition. We understand there is a good chance we can hold our event at the same time as the Barbecue next year. You won't believe how good it is until you come and try it.
Let's begin with the eating scenes....
Photos by David Favrholdt and Dave Rutherford