The WAMM Gallery
Grass Valley, California 1986.
Left to right:
Back row:
Craig Ortet, Bill Clark, Visitor, Dave Jappay, Bill Vandersande (no
mite), Ken Shea, Patrick Moran, Garry Gramman (drove up from San Diego),
Visitor, Visitor.
Front row:
Tom Clinton, Tony Terrigino ( flew up in Pacer), Dan Beltrami, Mac
McComas, Randy Porter, Frank Melder ( flew down in a Tripacer).
Mite line up left to right:
Mac McComas, Dave Jappay, Randy Porter, Ken Shea, Dan Beltrami, Bill
Clark, Tom Clinton, Gil Gilbert, and Craig Ortet.
Tim Bowers flew in with N123C not in the line up.
Dave Jappay.
Bill Clark with N50DL.
The DL stands for Doris Loftsgaard, the previous owner. Bill repainted the Mite and sold it to Ben Favrholdt as N66MX in 1989.
Ken Shea.
Dan Beltrami
Tom Clinton.
Gil Gilbert.
Craig Ortet.
Tim Bowers.
This photo of N4186 was taken at Porterville in 1986 by Dan Shumaker.
Photographs courtesy of Gil Gilbert, N4121
01 April, 2001