
WAMM Fly-in August 2001

A collection of photos from the August, 2001 Fly-in at Prosser, WA

gang at Prosser.jpg (51176
bytes) gang
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The gang at Prosser (L to R):
Gil Gilbert, Dan Beltrami (kneeling), Garry Gramman, Bill Vandersande, Ben Favrholdt, and Dave Rutherford.
Gil, Bill, Ben and Garry in the shade discussing the collection of Mite parts Gil happened to bring. The temperatures reached the low 100's. The lineup: Ben's and Bill's Cessna 150s, Garry's M-18L, N119C, and Dan's M-18C, N339M. The small turnout was a disappointment
N339MBeltrami01.jpg (55436
bytes) Dan B starts
N339M.jpg (59164 bytes) Dan B low
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Dan Beltrami flew over from Madras, OR for his first WAMM fly-in in several years. After swinging the prop, Dan adjusts the throttle and prepares to climb into the cockpit of N339M. .N339M makes a low pass over runway 07 before departing for home
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bytes) N119C flies away.jpg
(13960 bytes) Ben taxies.jpg (53452 bytes)
Garry stands in the prop wash in starting position. He flew his Mite all the way from San Diego in two days, spending the first night at his sister's place in Jackson, CA. Garry took the opportunity to fly N119C over to have a look at Mt. St. Helens. It was a two-hour side trip. As usual, the flying conditions in that part of Washington were ideal. See his photo-journal of the trip. Ben taxies for take-off on runway 25. Although they both own Mites, Ben and Bill chose to fly up from Porterville, CA in their small Cessnas. For Ben, the cockpit made a snug but comfortable sleeping place.
  Looking west toward the shady maple trees and tenting area Norm Simdorn and Dick Leibelt flew over with Dan.

We'd like to thank Bob Potter of the local EAA chapter #391 for making us feel welcome and providing information about the Prosser area. Mooney Mites always attract attention, and we had a pleasant chat with George and Sylvia Campbell of Irrigon, OR who dropped by for a brief visit in their search for the ideal airplane. A short walk away on the other side of the runway, The Barn (restaurant, bar and motel) turned out to be a very convenient and comfortable oasis. Lastly, we'd like to express our appreciation to the Port of Benton (Prosser airport authority) for providing very satisfactory shower and restroom facilities, and for having the foresight to plant those big maple shade trees, without which we would not have survived.

Photo credits: Dave Rutherford, Bill Vandersande

August 14, 2001